Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fun at the Zoo and John Deer Windmill

Well 2 weeks ago we went back to Wichita for a wedding shower for my sister and stayed with Memo and PaPa.  On Saturday we went to the Sedgwick County Zoo and Benjamin thoroughly enjoyed walking through the zoo, petting the lambs, and feeding the giraffe.  He was such a trooper and walked a big portion of the zoo!  Then on Sunday we went out to Great Grandma Winkelman's house and Benjamin fell in love with the John Deer windmill.  He kept taking Nana outside and he tried to climb it, but Nana decided it would be more safe to lift him up!  Other than that we had a great time in Wichita and it was very relaxing!!!  Here are some pictures to document our trip!

Please let me climb this thing!!!

Gorilla statue

Feeding the giraffe

3 Generations

Memo and PaPa

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer Fun!

Well this weekend was great in Kansas City!  The weather cooled down and we were able to have lots of fun playing outside.  We went to Deanna Rose on Saturday and Benjamin absolutely loved all of the animals and thoroughly enjoyed feeding the baby goats.  He started walking around everywhere in the little pin area and was just petting all of them!  I think he thought they were just like Aspen :)  He also found the cow bells and rang those for quite some time!  We also enjoyed going for walks, the pool, and playing at the park!  Hope you all had a great weekend!

Riding a mini tractor!
My new bouncy toy

Ringing the cow bells!

"Can we please get some of these?!!!"

Brushing my teeth

Riding along!