Monday, April 9, 2012

Hoppy Easter!

We went back to Wichita this past weekend to spend Easter with Grandma Winkelman (Benjamin's great grandma).  It was great to spend the weekend with family.  Benjamin enjoyed dying eggs, searching for eggs, and all of the fun candy that came along with it!  Also Benjamin was lucky and got some new toys and Grandpa and Nana have picked out a little jungle gym so we will put that together this week!

Hope that everyone had a great easter! 

Luke and I also went for a doctor's appointment this morning for baby #2 and everything is looking good.  I am almost in week 36, which is hard to believe.  Baby is head down and everything is measuring good, so if this little one is anything like Benjamin, we will be waiting until due date for arrival.  Luke is thinking girl and I really have no idea.  My thoughts change all the time, so we will just wait and see if we have pink or blue in the next few weeks!

Playing ball with Aunt Jamie!

I found a bunny!

Dying easter eggs

This is really cool!!!!

Stirring the eggs with the food color

Searching for easter eggs!

Found some!!!!

Finished product...Benjamin was a little aggressive with stirring and cracked a few :)

Nana and Great-Grandma Winkelman

Green Egg!

Looking inside the eggs

Looking for more eggs

Thanks for the new toy Easter Bunny!

New race car rug...thanks Nana and Grandpa

Loves his cars!

Nana and Benjamin dying eggs

Yellow egg

Past Few Months

Well sorry we have been incredibly behind on updating our blog over the past couple of months.  Work and life have been keeping us very busy!  Benjamin has been in a big boy bed since the beginning of January and he continues to amaze us with the fact that he has not tried to get out and still sleeps from about 7 to 7 each night.  He is becoming Mr. Independent and really does not want help with much unless he gets frustrated and can not figure something out.  Over the past few days he has been very much showing his displeasure with a booster seat, so we are just trying to go with it and let him sit in a regular chair.  He is showing signs with potty training so we are working on that as well.  Other than that he is loving the outdoors and still showing no interest in cartoons, movies...basically anything electronic.  We spend most of our free time at the park, zoo, and anything you can think of outside!  Thank goodness spring came a little earlier this year!  Here are a couple of pictures from the past couple of months!

Celebrating Daddy's Birthday with Memo and Papa

My 1st Popsicle!  I love these things!

More of my popsicle!

Crazy, on the move boy!

Reading with Memo

Visiting the zoo...he loved saying "rhinos"!

Almost tall enough to ride the tricycle!

Walking through the zoo!

Hanging with Daddy at the zoo!