Monday, August 20, 2012

Back to the grind

Well maternity leave is officially over and we are back to the grind.  I came back to work on August 8th and Samantha is adjusting wonderfully, which makes the drop off much easier.  She is taking naps while at school, which is completely opposite of when Benjamin was an infant.  She has started pretty much sleeping 7 to 7.  She will cry out a few times in the middle of the night, but sticking her pacifier back in is all it takes. 

Benjamin has finally adjusted to the 2 year old room, which has been great for him.  His final molars are coming in, so he has been in some terrible pain.  We have to be so proactive with the medicine or he is in pain.  The bottom 2 popped through the gum on Saturday and the top 2 are sooooo close.  Hopefully they pop through in the next few days and then we will be good to go!  NO MORE TEETH left for him after this!!!!

Other than that we are just enjoying the kids.  Benjamin continues to just love his little sister more than anything.  It is so fun to watch him with her and then to see her just follow everything he is doing. 

Here are some pictures from the past couple of weeks!

Getting so strong!  Starting to hold onto toys and sitting so big and tall!

Benjamin riding at Deanna Rose for his buddy Hayes' birthday party

Chubby Samantha smiling for the camera! She is such a happy little girl!

Benjamin's new Saturday apple and a donut!  He loves to go to Hen House and pick out the donut and always goes for a peach or an apple! He basically only eats the top of the donut with the frosting and then leaves the rest for Aspen :)

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